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31st August 2010

Rod Cox and Gaza Blogspot

18th July 2010

"Israel is a factory for repression and mechanisms of repression that are being sold to other countries of the world... having already been tested on Palestinians, who are their guinea pigs... Why does the international community allow this?" Shir Hever: "Boycotting Israel" - Dandelion Salad.

15th July 2010
Horton: Okay, now, everyone who listens to this show already understands that in order for Iran to make nuclear weapons, they would have to basically grant John Bolton's wish and withdraw from the nonproliferation treaty, kick the inspectors out of the country, and announce to the world, "We're making nuclear bombs now." And there is no nuclear weapons threat from Iran until at least - you know, the clock doesn't even start ticking until the day that that happens, and so far they haven't fallen into that trap. So, what I want to ask you, on that issue, is a little bit more of an inside baseball question, and that is that the National Intelligence Estimate from 2007 said that the Iranians halted all nuclear weapons work in 2003. And now when I talked to Gareth Porter, he says that he actually has a source who's read the entire classified version of that NIE and that all of that assertion that there ever was a nuclear weapons program of any description is based on the forged Israeli document posing as an Iranian laptop that says that they had a bench level experiment for laser enrichment of uranium tetraflouride and a few other things that Gareth, in his words, has completely debunked as a forgery.

Scott Horton interviewing Flynt Leverett, former Senior Director for Middle East Affairs at the National Security Council, on http://antiwar.com/radio

5th June 2010

In this Alternate Focus film Jewish Psychologist Mark Braverman uses his upbringing and experience to create an understanding of why so many mainstream Christian churches refuse to question the racist and immoral behavior of Israel's Zionist government. In a plea to Christians, Braverman talks passionately about not allowing Christians to do what is not Christian and, likewise, not looking the other way when Jews do what is not Jewish.

27th May 2010
Here's an interview with former Senior BBC Middle East correspondent Alan Hart telling the whole truth as few have dared though they had understood: radiodujour.com Kevin Barratt and Alan Hart on Truth Jihad Radio. An mp3 file to share urgently.

After 3 years of seige a flotilla of 9 boats sets sail for Gaza, despite the threats of the Israeli navy, with 550 international campaigners attempting to bring humanitarian relief on behalf of us all.


17th February 2010. Israel's Illegal Settlements in America by Grant Smith, AntiWar.com quote below from an important article exposing the manipulation of US policy by the Israeli government.

The World Zionist Organization-American Section, as the paper reincarnation of the Jewish Agency, is still compelled to register (PDF) as an Israeli foreign agent. In 2008 it spent $8,102,752, by far the largest expenditure of any registered foreign agent for Israel. Like its predecessor foreign agent, the Jewish Agency, the WZO American Section claims these large disbursements across America are mainly for "education" rather than political activity. Such claims are easily debunked.

The WZO was more accurately revealed by Israeli prosecutor Thalia Sasson in 2005 as being at the very center of illegal Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank. Shimon Peres estimated that up to $50 billion was laundered into illegal settlement construction. Today WZO/Conference of Presidents "education" initiatives include organizing rabbis to effectively campaign for war on Iran, activities that are not accurately disclosed on the WZO's disclosures to the Department of Justice.

10th February 2009.

5th January 2010

Detroit Christmas "bomber" thread on the British 911Forum. Very interesting indeed.

The horrors unfolding in Pakistan are discussed by Webster Tarpley on Russia Today at the end of December 2009.

Was David Coleman Headley the mastermind behind the Mumbai attacks?
In a Dec. 21 interview with Lauren Lyster of Russia Today, Tarpley explores the case of David Coleman Headley, born Daood Gilani, a convicted heroin smuggler of Pakistani background working undercover for the DEA who is now accused by the Indian Home Ministry of functioning as a double agent for the CIA. Headley is now in jail in Chicago on charges of planning terrorism in Denmark, but India wants him extradited and wants to hear the tapes of FBI taps on his phone. There is every indication that, far from being a rogue, Headley masterminded the Mumbai false flag terror attacks of November 2008 precisely because the CIA wanted them to happen - to solidify Indian political support for the widely opposed US-India nuclear deal, to play India against Pakistan, and to brand Pakistan as a strategic enemy of the US -- the policy reflected in Obama's Dec. 1 declaration of war against Pakistan. The outcry and scandal in the Indian media about the CIA's protection of Headley now give that nation a chance to pull back from the role of expendable pawn of the US and UK against Pakistan and China.
30th November 2009

A month ago the Jewish organisation Neturei Karta International - Jews United Against Zionism - held a demonstration in New York against Zionism, heresy and the Jewish state.

4th November 2009
Many stories...too many. If I tap into that, if I tap into the abandonment, if I tap into the scarcity, if I tap into the solitude, if I tap into the pain and the loss, if I tap into the grief...I will run out of pages. I am not ready to lift that lid from that well... Besides, words are words...they did not affect you before, they will not affect you today. Neither words, nor a thousand pictures... I have become solution oriented...Sometimes the solutions are like some loose patchwork, sometimes they are just a band aid...sometimes they are very imperfect...but this is our Reality and this is what IS. Facts, you hate them...I love them. Facts, you abhor them, I turn them into statues of worship because they are REALITY - OUR REALITY - OUR TRUTH.
Layla Anwar from her brave blog - ArabWomanBlues - Reflections in a Sealed Bottle.

False Flag Terror in Iraq Reports of American soldiers planting explosives in the vehicles of innocent Iraqis and sending them on their way.

Iran's Nuclear Program: Iran truthful, in treaty compliance; US/Israel lying, in treaty violation

How Iran has signed and abides by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, while Israel has not signed the treaty, and others who are signatories are not abiding by its rules.

"But poetry resists academic pretensions, just as the mystery of religious faith evaporates on contact with dogma. Here, more than in the mosques of Esfahan or Mashhad, it is still possible to experience the occasional "lifting of the veil": - as long as one enters without guides and without preconceptions."

"In the middle of the courtyard is a series of steps descending into a deep qanat whose waters are considered holy. When I visited the complex recently, there was no-one there. I descended alone to wash my hands and face. Then I took off my sandals and entered the tiny mosque behind it. As I stood there, light fell onto my hands from somewhere far above my head, and for a moment the presence of something supremely precious and powerfully benign beamed down upon me."

"The Sufi brotherhood that built this remarkable building found wisdom in all the religions; and all were respected. For hundreds of years they lived shoulder to shoulder with the Zoroastrians, whose fire temple stood just metres away from them. The little town of Natanz is an oasis for the spirit. It is a pity that today it is virtually ignored by tourists, and known only to the world for its controversial nuclear power facility, 30 miles away in the emptiness of the Kavir desert."

Ryszard Antolak, Persian Journal, Iranian.ws
2nd September 2009 Fingers crossed everyone, are we on the verge of a paradigm shift, are we going to step beautifully sideways out of this terrible path of destruction and remember who we can be, our best and peaceful selves, finding a future of balance and natural cultural riches? Peace please, America Israel and London. Peace please.

Massimo Mazzucco's film 'The New American Century'

The Knights Templar, Knights of Malta and Blackwater's Erik Prince By Mitch Cumstein

In a declaration under the penalty of purjury, a former employee of Erik Prince's Blackwater defense contracting firm said Prince "views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe."

The accuser, only known as John Doe 2 in court documents because he claims he has been threatened with "death and violence" by managers of Prince's company, wrote that "Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Chrisian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the Crusades."

This mention of the Knights Templar is an interesting one because it shifts the focus of Iraq from a quest for oil to that of a holy war. Remember when Pres. Bush got laughs for referring to the "war on terror" as a "crusade." And this isn't the only time Prince and his company Blackwater have been linked, albeit tenuously, with these shadow elements of the Catholic church and Christian fundamentalists.

The European Parliament published a report by Giovanni Claudio Fava, a Socialist Group legislator, claiming that there are connections between Blackwater and Malta. Malta is where the Knights of Malta, another right-wing element of the Catholic Church similar to the Knights Templar, once lived and still maintain control of Fort St. Angelo.

August 6, 2009

Who is funding the Afghan Taliban? You don't want to know.

Anecdotal evidence is mounting that the Taliban are taking a hefty portion of assistance money coming into Afghanistan from the outside.

This goes beyond mere protection money or extortion of "taxes" at the local level - very high-level negotiations take place between the Taliban and major contractors, according to sources close to the process.

A shadowy office in Kabul houses the Taliban contracts officer, who examines proposals and negotiates with organizational hierarchies for a percentage. He will not speak to, or even meet with, a journalist, but sources who have spoken with him and who have seen documents say that the process is quite professional.

The manager of an Afghan firm with lucrative construction contracts with the U.S. government builds in a minimum of 20 percent for the Taliban in his cost estimates. The manager, who will not speak openly, has told friends privately that he makes in the neighborhood of $1 million per month. Out of this, $200,000 is siphoned off for the insurgents.

If negotiations fall through, the project will come to harm - road workers may be attacked or killed, bridges may be blown up, engineers may be assassinated.

Global News Blog, 13th August, 2009.

El-Funoun Popular Dance Troupe

26th July, 2009.

US NATO War Agenda - Global Research, Canada.

William Blum:"Many of my readers have been upset with me for my criticisms of President Obama's policies. Following my last two reports, more than a dozen have asked to be removed from my mailing list. But if you share my view that the numerous atrocities U.S. foreign policy is responsible for constitute the greatest threat to world peace, prosperity and happiness, then I think you have to want leaders who are unambiguously opposed to America's military adventures, because those interventions are unambiguously harmful. There's nothing good to be said about dropping powerful bombs on crowds of innocent people, invading their land, overthrowing their government, occupying the country, breaking down the doors of the citizens, killing the father, raping the mother, traumatizing the children, torturing those opposed to all this - Barack Obama has no problem with this, if we judge him by his policies and not his rhetoric."

By what standard shall we judge Barack Obama? William Blum, Foreign Policy Journal.

I found that article after reading in the same journal an article that expressed something of my own intense disquiet, even misery some of the time, because the BBC has not mentioned on any new programmes that I have heard on BBC Radio 4 this week the Israeli attack upon the Spirit of Humanity in international waters, threatening the boat, boarding her, and kidnapping her 21 passengers, including a former U.S. Congresswoman and a Nobel laureate. They are all still in prison today in Israel. This seems far more important to me than the arrest and release of a handful of BBC employees in Teheran, and the decision not to tell the public about this act of piracy, which it is according to international law, troubles me greatly. Why should it merit such silence?

"Media Silence on Israeli Hijacking of Aid Boat" by Jeremy R. Hammond, July 5, 2009. Foreign Policy Journal.

2nd July 2009

Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney addresses President Obama from an Israeli prison, after being kidnapped with twenty other would-be siegebreakers aboard the Spirit of Humanity in international waters.

30th June, 2009.

The Spirit of Humanity is sailing very slowly towards Gaza, surrounded by Israeli warships and threatened with violence by the Israeli forces if they fail to turn around. The Free Gaza Movement

In their concluding remarks, the experts say
"The underlying meaning of the attack on the Gaza Strip, or at least its final consequence, appears to be one of creating terror without mercy to anyone. Nearly all the people we spoke to slept cuddled together with the other members of their family in a central room of the house during the three weeks of attack. No one knew where or when the next bomb or explosion would occur. It appears that the wide range of attacks with sophisticated weaponry was predominantly focussed on terrorising the population. ..."
More Israeli Crimes Unveiled in Gaza, The Palestine Telegraph
Click here for Gaza Emergency Appeal Update of 20th May 2009.

(30.5.09) Dr Swee Ang, founder of MAP, is giving a talk "The Wounds of Gaza" at the Hall in Station Road, North Harrow; on Friday, 5th June at 8.00 pm.

"This first-hand field report and analysis comes direct from UK physicians Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah and Dr Swee Ang in Gaza." PULSE - "The Wounds of Gaza 2009"
PULSE - "Lancet Withdraws Gaza Article, Author Responds."

7th May, 2009. I've been thinking about those drones we hear of so often, American drones and Pakistani drones pursuing the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and so often destroying whole families and traumatising populations. When I saw the film below, of Israeli drones over Gaza, my sense of horror staggered to learn the capacity the operators have to view their targets closely.

Israel's refuseniks in January, bravely speaking sense about their indoctrination, taught propaganda since Kindergarten just like their American counterparts. Yet still they can see the truth and remind their compatriots that targetting women and children is a war crime. This gives me hope.

3rd May 2009.

How "60 Minutes" edited out President Ahmadinejad's call for democracy: "I think that the Israeli government is a fabricated government and I have talked about the solution. The solution is democracy. We have said allow Palestinian people to participate in a free and fair referendum to express their views. What we are saying only serves the cause of durable peace." If this video fails to play, the text of the interview may be found here on Mondoweiss

9th August 2009 update to the mistaken relief of February, below.

United States Delivers Massive New Weapons Shipment to Israel, Confirmed by Pentagon, Says Amnesty International

The Wehr Elbe sailed from North Carolina on December 20, after collecting its large cargo of U.S. munitions and was initially bound for the port of Navipe-Astakos on the west coast of Greece. Its transponder signal disappeared on January 12 when the vessel was sailing near Astakos. The ship was unable to dock due to a protest by the Greek Stop the War Coalition. The vessel was then tracked as it passed through the port of Augusta, on the Italian island of Sicily, and then near Gibraltar in mid-February, before reappearing on March 23 en route from Ashdod to the Black Sea port of Odessa where it docked on March 26 in berth 7. Amnesty International is now aware that the vessel docked in Ashdod on March 22 and reportedly offloaded over 300 containers.

The horror of Israeli weapon testing on the innocent families of Gaza is dreadful to behold. The many witnesses need to be heard and their testimony shared amongst all people.

Medics working in the Gaza Strip have condemned Israel's use of suspected "new weapons" that inflict horrific injuries they say most surgeons will not have seen before.

Dr Jan Brommundt, a German doctor working for Medecins du Monde in the south Gazan city of Khan Younis, described the injuries he had seen as "absolutely gruesome".

....When detonated, a Dime device expels a blade of charged tungsten dust that burns and destroys everything within a four-metre radius.

Brommundt also described widespread but previously unseen abdominal injuries that appear minor at first but degenerate within hours causing multi-organ failure. "It seems to be some sort of explosive... that disperses tiny particles... that penetrate all organs. Initially everything seems in order... but they will present within one to five hours with an acute abdomen which looks like appendicitus but it turns out on operation that dozens of miniature particles can be found in all of their organs," he said. "It seems to be some sort of explosive or shell that disperses tiny particles at around 1x1 or 2x1 millimetres that penetrate all organs, these miniature injuries, you are not able to attack them surgically." The doctors said many patients succomb to septicaemia and die within 24 hours." Aljazeera.

A Norwegian Doctor explains how the civilian population, with an average age of 17, is being deliberately targetted.

Denying the Holocaust - "Breaking the lie of silence is not an esoteric abstraction but an urgent responsibility that falls to those with the privilege of a platform."

...what happens in Gaza is the defining moment of our time, which either grants the impunity of war criminals the immunity of our silence, while we contort our own intellect and morality, or gives us the power to speak out." John Pilger, GreenLeft online.org

17th January 2009 George Galloway tells the truth about Gaza, a fantastic speech that bears listening to several times over. He says a great deal that matters.

15th January, 2009

Children bear testimony to the truth, includes a little child shot in the back by an Israeli soldier. Yesterday, on BBC news, I saw doctors in Gaza talking about small children shot in the head at close range by Israeli soldiers. They showed x rays, one child had 2 bullets in his skull. They believe this sort of thing is going on all over Gaza.

The Israel Boycott List - An Alphabetised Boycott List of Israeli Corporations/Affiliates and Banking Institutions to e-mail and print out.

"The military invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israeli Forces bears a direct relation to the control and ownership of strategic offshore gas reserves.

This is a war of conquest. Discovered in 2000, there are extensive gas reserves off the Gaza coastline. British Gas (BG Group) and its partner, the Athens based Consolidated Contractors International Company (CCC) owned by Lebanon's Sabbagh and Koury families, were granted oil and gas exploration rights in a 25 year agreement signed in November 1999 with the Palestinian Authority." GlobalResearch.ca Centre for Research on Globalisation

15th January, 2009. The Palestinian defence of Gaza, now with 35,000 refugees in the city, surrounded by advancing Israeli tanks, visiting drones in the sky targetting anything that moves below them. Reported by Sameh Habeeb, a photojournalist trapped in the city.

Former IDF soldiers take courage and speak the truth their parents don't know, because they want to be able to look in the mirror again.

12th January, 2009. Sadly the picture of Israeli atrocities widens and increases in horror. And in this context my own, British, government is not blameless, having considerably increased its provision of weaponry to Israel in 2008. According to most recent Foreign and Commonwealth Office figures, Britain exported £ 18,847,795-worth of weapons to Israel in the first three months of 2008. This was a sharp increase compared to the £ 7.5m of weapons sales to Israel in the whole of 2007.

3rd January, 2009 Top 5 Lies About Israel's Assault on Gaza by Jeremy R. Hammond

"It was Israel which broke the truce on the day of the US presidential elections, 4th November: "Israel used this distraction to break the ceasefire between itself and Hamas by bombing the Gaza strip. Israel claimed this violation of the ceasefire was to prevent Hamas from digging tunnels into Israeli territory.

The very next day, Israel launched a terrorizing siege of Gaza, cutting off food, fuel, medical supplies and other necessities in an attempt to 'subdue' the Palestinians while at the same time engaging in armed incursions.

In response, Hamas and others in Gaza again resorted to firing crude, homemade, and mainly inaccurate rockets into Israel. During the past seven years, these rockets have been responsible for the deaths of 17 Israelis. Over the same time span, Israeli Blitzkrieg assaults have killed thousands of Palestinians, drawing worldwide protest but falling on deaf ears at the UN." (Shamus Cooke, The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War, Global Research.)

An intentional attack on a civilian target is a war crime. 31 Dec. '08: B'Tselem to Attorney General Mazuz: Concern over Israel targeting civilian objects in the Gaza Strip. B'Tselem is the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.

RigorousIntuition - what you don't know can't hurt them. "What's entirely left-out of the Israeli justification re: self-defense, is that 'everything' shouldn't ONLY be limited to more death and dsestruction and violence, which has been Israel's preferred method of dealing with the crisis of its own making. What IF the hundreds of billions of dollars spent for armaments and 'security' were instead have been used to invest in a multi-pluralistic, multi-cultural, fully-integrated highly-developed modern single state where Palestinians and Israelis lived together as neighbors with equal human and civil rights and full economic and political and cultural participation/expression? It could have been a model of a new, better post-war human society where social justice and human dignity were the norm enjoyed by all. But of course, the military-industry profiteers and multinational corporatists that have insinuated themselves into commanding behind-the-scenes position hidden by the veneer of civil democracy wouldn't stand for any such threat to their power-and-wealth franchise, eh?"

"The current chaos in the Middle East, far from being a disastrous mistake, is the true goal of the neocons and Israel." Jonathan Cook, British freelance journalist, covering the Middle East since September 2001, based in the city of Nazareth in Galilee.

Israeli Roots of Hamas Are Being Exposed "Speaking in Jerusalem Dec. 20, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer made the connection between the growth of the Islamic fundamentalist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and Israel's promotion of the Islamic movement as a counter to the Palestinian nationalist movement. Kurtzer's comments come very close to EIR's own presentation of the evidence of Israel's instrumental role in establishing Hamas, and its ongoing control of that organization." from article by Dean Andromidas, Executive Intelligence Review, 2002.

- Gaza, Water Under Siege - Lifesource documentary about the water situation in Gaza and a local theatre project focusing on Gazans lack of access to clean and sufficient water.

Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector, explains Iran's nuclear capability.

Are Key Obama Advisors in Tune with Neocon Hawks Who Want to Attack Iran?

"Anticipating the failure of the talks, the task force (including Ross) urged "prepositioning military assets," coupled with a "show of force" in the region. This would be followed almost immediately by a blockade of Iranian gasoline imports and oil exports, meant to paralyze Iran 's economy, followed by what they call, vaguely, "kinetic action."

barn on fire at sunset across valley

That "kinetic action" -- a U.S. assault on Iran -- should, in fact, be massive, suggested the Coats-Robb report. Besides hitting dozens of sites alleged to be part of Iran's nuclear research program, the attacks would target Iranian air defense and missile sites, communications systems, Revolutionary Guard facilities, key parts of Iran's military-industrial complex, munitions storage facilities, airfields, aircraft facilities, and all of Iran's naval facilities. Eventually, they say, the United States would also have to attack Iran 's ground forces, electric power plants and electrical grids, bridges, and "manufacturing plants, including steel, autos, buses, etc."

This is, of course, a hair-raising scenario. Such an attack on a country that had committed no act of war against the United States or any of its allies would cause countless casualties, virtually destroy Iran 's economy and infrastructure, and wreak havoc throughout the region. That such a high-level group of luminaries should even propose steps like these -- and mean it -- can only be described as lunacy. That an important adviser to President-elect Obama would sign on to such a report should be shocking, though it has received next to no attention." Robert Dreyfuss, GlobalResearch.ca.

smoke from a bonfire seen through trees

"But poetry resists academic pretensions, just as the mystery of religious faith evaporates on contact with dogma. Here, more than in the mosques of Esfahan or Mashhad, it is still possible to experience the occasional "lifting of the veil": - as long as one enters without guides and without preconceptions."

"In the middle of the courtyard is a series of steps descending into a deep qanat whose waters are considered holy. When I visited the complex recently, there was no-one there. I descended alone to wash my hands and face. Then I took off my sandals and entered the tiny mosque behind it. As I stood there, light fell onto my hands from somewhere far above my head, and for a moment the presence of something supremely precious and powerfully benign beamed down upon me."

"The Sufi brotherhood that built this remarkable building found wisdom in all the religions; and all were respected. For hundreds of years they lived shoulder to shoulder with the Zoroastrians, whose fire temple stood just metres away from them. The little town of Natanz is an oasis for the spirit. It is a pity that today it is virtually ignored by tourists, and known only to the world for its controversial nuclear power facility, 30 miles away in the emptiness of the Kavir desert."

Ryszard Antolak, Persian Journal, Iranian.ws

A link to the embroidery Shaden Abu Hijleh was sewing when shot by the Israeli Defence Force on her own porch. I have just seen this for the first time, and I have been thinking about it for a long time. Wondering what she was sewing. This is traditional Palestinian embroidery.

"Shaden Abu Hijleh. Even,... when she was sitting on her porch and they came to her not she to them...highly respected,active in women's groups, outspoken community leader, nonviolent resister to the occupation...they came to her porch and shot her in the head.... maybe they just didn't like the flowers she had laid at the boot of their equipment in the weekly protest march......but the IDF could not find their way to a credible investigation....Shaden's children all U of Iowa graduates...it seems close to home as I have known so many international students who came to Iowa and left with a real love for America. I just do not remember ever having to have a discussion about targeted assassinations." Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss, philipweiss.org.

Evicted settlers take revenge on long established households, destroying their means of survival and communication, uninterrupted by the police or the watching soldiers. Hebron, on the West Bank, 10th December 2008.

In memory of Sarmad Ghazi, Artist, a painter in Baghdad.
"His palette bright, like his vision of the future."
thumbnail of Sarmad's palette

September 2007. New, highly-reputable poll estimates that one million,two hundred and twenty thousand, five hundred and eighty Iraqi people have been murdered since hostilities began. That is 1,220,580 people; source: ORB, Opinion Research Business. Most of them, men, women and children, died of gunshot wounds.
Just a reminder of the cumulative death toll estimated last year: 654,965 according to a survey conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Al Mustansiriya University in Baghdad, conducted between May and July 2006.